Herbal Foundations
Program Starts March 22
It is time to get excited about plants and awaken your passion for natural healing! This online program is for beginning to intermediate students who want more in-depth knowledge about medicinal plants.
Trending Courses
Herbal Foundations
It is time to get excited about plants and awaken your passion for natural healing! This online program is for beginning to intermediate students who want more in-depth knowledge about medicinal plants.
Herbalist Certificate Program
This curriculum is offered as an all-online program or can be taken in person. The Herbalist Certificate Program is designed to provide a total immersion into natural healing and medicinal plants. Students will achieve the skill set, and confidence needed to practice herbalism.
Green Pharmacy
Join herbalists Elaine Sheff and John Goicovich of Green Path Herb School for our online program to create your own home herbal apothecary. Learn how to make herbal medicines including teas, decoctions, cold infusions, tinctures, salves, oils, glycerites, vinegars, honeys, elixirs, oxymels and more!
Get our Ten Healing Garden Herbs E-Book FREE!
Discover 10 herbs that you can easily grow in your garden in our Ten Healing Garden Herbs E-Book!
Hundreds of Happy Students Choose Green Path Herb School
Managing our stress levels is important for long-term health and well-being. Many natural remedies can help support us during times of upheaval, including herbs, supplements, essential oils, flower essences, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle supports.