Moisturizing Lotion Bar

This is a solid lotion bar that is handy to use for travel. You can carry a small bar in a purse or backpack. I like to have a bar handy by my kitchen sink. It is especially hydrating to use a bar after a bath or shower. You can vary the ingredients to make bars specific for the face, hard-working hands, cracked feet, pregnant bellies, baby bottoms, and more. I have also given you a deodorant bar variation on this recipe below.


Measure by weight:

  • 5 ounces beeswax (you can add less beeswax in the winter if desired)

  • 7 ounces cocoa butter

  • 4 ounces coconut oil

  • 4 ounces almond oil

Measure by volume:

  • 1 teaspoon Vitamin E oil

  • 1 teaspoon essential oil of your choice. I like lavender, geranium, rosemary, or lemongrass.

You Will Need:

  • Scale

  • Double boiler

  • Metal spoon

  • Glass Pyrex measuring cup

  • Molds including candy molds, soap molds, or even ice cube trays.


  1. Melt the beeswax in a double boiler.

  2. Add the cocoa butter and coconut oil and stir until melted.

  3. Add the almond oil and Vitamin E oil and stir once again until melted.

  4. Add essential oil(s), stir, and pour into a Pyrex measuring cup.

  5. Pour into molds.

  6. Let cool and then pop the bar out of the mold.

Deodorant bar

Deodorant bar

Deodorant Bar Variation:

You can take the above recipe and make it into a very effective deodorant bar as well. Just add the additional ingredients listed below into your formula once it is melted. You can use the deodorant bar under your arms or on your feet.

  • ½ cup arrowroot powder

  • 1 tablespoon baking soda

  • 2 teaspoons lavender, tea tree, or cedar essential oil

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© Elaine Sheff, Clinical Herbalist, RH (AHG)


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