Refund Policy
The application deposit (for the Herbalist Certificate Program only) is non-refundable upon acceptance into the program.
All credit card fees are non-refundable.
A full refund of tuition will be paid if the student withdraws (in writing) before the first day of class. All refunds are minus a $50 administrative fee and any credit card fees associated with payment.
If a student cancels after the classes have begun, a calculation of all allowable charges shall be made using the date that we received written notification of termination.
If a student withdraws from any program, a refund calculation will be applied based on the following:
Less than 10% of course completed = 75% refund
More than 10 % and less than 25% of course completed = 50% refund
More than 25% and less than 50% of course completed = 25% refund
Over 50% of course completed = 0% refund
After 50% of the course is over, the total sum of tuition is owed in full, even if not all classes are attended.
All students making payments are still subject to the Refund Policy terms.