Eight Best Essential Oils for First Aid
Summer is around the corner and it’s time to get outside! Along with barbeques, hiking, and enjoying the outdoors come life’s little accidents like bug bites, sunburn, and minor injuries. Now is the time to prepare for summer by creating your own little aromatic first aid kit. One of the things I love about using essential oils for first aid is that they are very potent so you only need a small amount on hand. This makes them easily portable for hiking, backpacking, and travel.
When using essential oils, it is important to think about safety and application. More isn’t necessarily better – for you or the planet.
**See the bottom of this post to check out my First Aid Recipes and get the printable recipes to download here.**
General Dosage Guidelines: Most essential oils should be diluted before applying to the body. You can dilute essential oils into vegetable or herbal oils, salves, lotions, shampoos or conditioners, etc. For ease of explanation, I will call any of these the “carrier”.
Adults: use 10-12 drops of essential oil per ounce of carrier.
Elders and Children: use 5-6 drops of essential oil per ounce of carrier.
Infants: most essential oils should not be used with (or near) babies. Do not use topically unless working with a trained aromatherapist.
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: use 5-6 drops of essential oil per ounce of carrier. Check to make sure all oils are safe for pregnancy or nursing before using them.
If you’d like to know more about essential oil safety, check out my two articles: Are Essential Oils Safe? Part One and Are Essential Oils Safe? Part Two
You can also read my article on Making Your Own Natural First Aid Kit
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
Lavender is one of the safest and most widely used oils in aromatherapy. I carry a bottle of lavender with me in my purse and I never travel without it. It has a balancing action, enhancing relaxation in smaller amounts and having a more stimulating effect in larger amounts. Lavender is antimicrobial and makes an excellent inhalation for both respiratory and sinus infections1. It is also antifungal, making it effective for yeast and fungi including yeast infections, athlete’s foot, and toenail fungus. Lavender is anti-spasmodic, making it useful for headaches, menstrual cramps, and digestive problems. As an anti-inflammatory, it is helpful for skin irritations and inflammations such as dermatitis, bee stings, bug bites, and rashes. Lavender is calming and relaxing and can be useful to promote restful sleep. It is balancing to the emotions and is helpful for both anxiety and depression.
Lavender is one of the best oils for healing burns. Firstly, I like to cool a new burn with cold water. After a few minutes, apply lavender neat (undiluted) to the burn. I don’t recommend adding a fixed oil such as a salve or vegetable oil as it will hold the heat in a new burn. Apply a small amount of lavender essential oil every time the burn starts to hurt. In a short time, the burn should stop hurting and an herbal salve can be applied. Helichrysum essential oil can then be added to help prevent scarring.
I know of no contra-indications for lavender. The oil can be adulterated (as can any essential oil), so always be careful about the purity of the product you purchase. Although almost all essential oils should be diluted before application on the skin, most people can use lavender neat (undiluted). If you have sensitive skin, try applying a small patch test on the inner elbow before using it.
Lavender flowers
Marjoram, Sweet (Origanum marjorana)
Marjoram essential oil has calming and sedating properties. It is a wonderful anti-spasmodic for smooth muscle cramping including intestinal and menstrual cramps. As calming oil, it helps to counter a feeling of fight, flight, or freeze and will help with feelings of anxiety and grief. Marjoram helps to moderate high blood pressure, and relax muscles. Similar to the whole herb, marjoram essential oil aids digestion (dilute and rub topically over the stomach) and can have a very gentle laxative effect. Marjoram should be avoided during pregnancy5.
Rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus)
Rosemary is helpful for pain including headache, muscle aches, and digestive distress. As a cardiovascular tonic, it will encouragecirculation1thereby bringing more blood (think nutrients and oxygen) to both the skin and brain. Rosemary reduces fatigue and encourages alertness, creativity, and improves short-term memory. It is particularly helpful during tests or periods of intense work. Used topically on the scalp (1% dilution) rosemary has been shown to encourage hair growth. Rosemary is antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal. It is a great cold and flu remedy, helping to relieve congestion, cough, and sinusitis. Contraindications: Avoid during pregnancy. Do not use if epileptic or with high blood pressure5.
Ravensara (Ravensara aromatica)
Ravensara is my favorite essential oil to have on hand for colds and flu. It is a wonderful anti-viral7 for respiratory infection and that deep bone ache that can accompany a fever. Ravensara is expectorant, helping to loosen and eliminate mucus, making it helpful for congestion and sinus infection. Ravensara is considered very safe and has no known contra-indications.
Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus radiata)
There are many species of Eucalyptus used in aromatherapy. Each has its own unique healing properties. Eucalyptus radiata is very safe and can be used with both children and adults. It can be used in a vaporizer, diffuser, or humidifier to clean the air. Add a few drops to the shower floor before showering for an easy steam. Eucalyptus is an excellent anti-viral making it useful for cold and flu6. It is a helpful expectorant for coughs and congestion. A drop of Eucalyptus radiata can be added to salt and then mixed into warm water for a sore throat gargle.
Eucalyptus radiata is considered very safe, with no known contra-indications.
Eucalyptus seeds and leaf
German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)
Widely used as a tea beverage, German chamomile is best known for its relaxing properties. The steam-distilled oil should have a blue color, caused by the constituent chamazulene. It is healing to the skin, promoting new tissue growth after an injury. German chamomile oil is excellent for allergic skin inflammation, hives, rashes, eczema, bug bites, and bee-stings. Along with lavender, chamomile essential oil can be applied directly to recently burned skin to soothe and heal. Chamomile is helpful for sprains, injuries and muscle soreness, and inflammation. It is antispasmodic, making it helpful for both muscle and menstrual cramps2. German chamomile is one of my very favorite essential oils for relaxing and calming the body and mind. Chamomile is very safe and effective with children. It has no known contra-indications.
Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum)
Helichrysum is a wonderful first aid oil for the skin. It is useful for burns, and will speed healing and reduce scarring from cuts, surgery and tattoos. Helichrysum is particularly useful for inflammation, tendonitis and bruising. It will help to dissipate a bruise quickly (or sometimes even prevent it altogether) if applied soon after an injury. Helichrysum can speed healing for wounds, whether open or closed and can work to help clean and close a wound. Contra-indications: Helichrysum contains ketones, and should be used with caution during pregnancy and with children.
Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)
Tea tree is an excellent antimicrobial and antiseptic oil6. It is antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal4, 10. Tea tree is useful for herpes, cold sores, cold and flu1. It has a high concentration of terpinen-4-ol, a compound with wonderful anti-inflammatory properties8. Most people can use tea tree undiluted on the skin, but it’s always good to make sure your oil is pure and unadulterated. Topically, tea tree is good for wounds, acne, contact dermatitis, dandruff, and funguses such as athlete’s foot, toenail fungus, and ringworm (yep, it’s a fungus, not an actual worm). Tea tree has also been researched for its exceptional ability to topically treat headlice9. Although rare, tea tree has been known to cause skin irritation and allergic reactions10. Try a patch test before using undiluted on the skin.
Tea tree essential oil
Aromatherapy First Aid Recipes
**Get the printable recipes download here**
Sun Burn Soother
20 drops Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oil
10 drops Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum) essential oil
10 drops Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) essential oil
2 ounces Aloe Vera gel
2 ounces Witch hazel hydrosol or astringent
4 ounce glass spray bottle (dark blue or amber colored glass is best)
Directions: Mix all ingredients into your 4-ounce spray bottle. Shake well and apply liberally, avoiding the eyes and mouth. Refrigerate for an extra cooling effect. Keep away from children. For external use only.
First Aid Fighter
7 ml (1 teaspoon=5 mL) Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) essential oil
7 ml lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oil
½ ounce spray bottle (dark blue or amber colored glass is best)
Directions: Mix both essential oils into your spray bottle. Before using, do a patch test on the inner elbow to make sure the spray isn’t irritating to the person using it. Spray First Aid Fighter on cuts, scrapes, bug bites, bruises, bumps, and mild infections. It can also be sprayed on a bandage and applied over a wound. Wash the area well before applying. Keep away from children. For external use only.
HeadEase Roller
10 drops Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) essential oil
10 drops Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oil
10 drops Marjoram (Origanum marjorana) essential oil
9 mL Olive, Jojoba, or another fixed oil
10 mL glass roller ball bottle (I prefer the ones with stainless steel roller balls)
Directions: Add all ingredients into the roller ball bottle, insert the ball, and shake well. This formula is concentrated and should only be applied to small areas. Roll over temples, forehead, and the back of the neck, depending on where the headache is located. Keep away from children. For external use only.
Injury Oil
10 drops Marjoram (Origanum marjorana) essential oil
6 drops Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum) essential oil
4 drops Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) essential oil
4 drops Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) essential oil
2 ounces Arnica (Arnica spp.)infused herbal oil. St. Johnswort (Hypericum perforatum)oil can be substituted or used as half of the herbal oil if desired.
2 ounce dark-colored glass jar with tight-fitting, essential oil safe lid
Directions: Add all ingredients into a 2-ounce glass jar and shake well. Massage Injury Oil into sore muscles, achy joints, bruises, contusions, hematomas, sprains, and strains. Caution: do not use arnica oil on open wounds. Keep away from children. For external use only.
Cold and Flu Inhaler
1 mL (3o drops) Ravensara (Ravensara aromatica) essential oil
1 mL (3o drops) Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus radiata) essential oil
1 mL (3o drops) Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) essential oil
1 mL (3o drops) Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) essential oil
5 mL dark blue or amber colored glass bottle with reducer
Directions: Add all essential oils together in a bottle and shake well. Cold and Flu Inhaler can be used in many ways. Here are some ideas:
Use as a chest rub oil by mixing 12 drops (6 drops for children) of Cold and Flu Inhaler per 1 ounce of a fixed oil such as jojoba, almond, or grapeseed.
Add 6 drops, mixed in a tablespoon of natural bath salts, milk, or yogurt, to a soothing bath for a cold or flu.
Add 3–6 drops to a tissue, cotton ball, or personal inhaler to “clean the air” if you are exposed to someone who is sick.
Use in an aromatherapy diffuser.
Add 6 drops to a humidifier.
Sprinkle several drops on your pillow when going to bed.
To do a steam, fill a pan with hot (not boiling) water. Cover your head with a towel as you lean over the pan. Add 3 drops of the essential oil blend, close your eyes, and breathe deeply through your nose until you can no longer smell the essential oils. Repeat this process three times if desired.
Cautions: Keep away from children. For external use only.
Beat the Bugs Spray
20 drops Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oil
20 drops Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) essential oil
20 drops Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) essential oil
20 drops Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus radiata) essential oil
4 ounces Alcohol (Ethyl alcohol such as Everclear works best although vodka can be used as well)
4 ounce glass spray bottle (dark blue or amber colored glass is best)
Directions: Mix all ingredients into your 4-ounce spray bottle. Shake well and apply liberally, avoiding the eyes and mouth. Keep away from children. For external use only.
© Elaine Sheff, Clinical Herbalist, RH (AHG)
1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2221169115001033
2. https://www.aromaculture.com/blog/2016/8/3/essential-oil-therapeutic-properties-antispasmodic
3. https://www.aromaweb.com/essential-oils/marjoram-oil.asp
4. https://tisserandinstitute.org/essential-oils-flu/
5. http://aromatictherapeutics.com/inspiration/essential-oil-contraindications
6. The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood
7. https://aromaticstudies.com/ravintsara-vs-ravensara-whats-the-difference/